Here is my Lincoln poster for the official Oscars series of prints! The Academy teamed up with Gallery 1988 and 9 different artists to create 1 print for each of the "Best Picture" nominees. Keep an eye on the Oscars Facebook and Twitter for how to get this print. Also if you are in the L.A. area, Gallery 1988 is giving away some of these between Feb 14 - Feb 17.

The Oscars / Gallery 1988 Collaboration Project
Here is my Lincoln poster for the official Oscars series of prints! The Academy teamed up with Gallery 1988 and 9 different artists to create 1 print for each of the "Best Picture" nominees. Keep an eye on the Oscars Facebook and Twitter for how to get this print. Also if you are in the L.A. area, Gallery 1988 is giving away some of these between Feb 14 - Feb 17.